Select and expand the subdomain in the Connections and Projects tree.
Click the Companies and Users button on the toolbar of the Sourcing workspace to open the Companies and Users window.
Select File > Permissions and Roles to open the Permissions and Roles window.
Click on the toolbar.
Iasta SmartSource prompts you to export the current configuration to an Excel spreadsheet. Iasta recommends that you create a record of the current settings by exporting them. If your changes have an unforeseen effect, a record of your previous settings enable will enable you to quickly return to your current setup. Iasta does not maintain a backup of your permissions and roles so you will not be able to automatically re-instate your current settings. Click Yes to export. Iasta SmartSource opens the Save As window. Select a location and name for the Excel backup file and click Save. Iasta SmartSource launches Excel and opens the spreadsheet containing a worksheet with the roles and permissions for each type of role (sponsor or bidder) at each level. Close Excel to return to Iasta SmartSource with the Permissions and Roles window in Edit mode.
Select the level of the role you want to edit (System-Wide, Project, Survey, or Contract) in the top row of tabs below the toolbar.
Select the type of user (sponsor or bidder) in the tabbed row at the bottom of the page.