Deleting an E-mail Global Field

Only users who are assigned to a System-wide role with the "Edit global e-mail fields" permission can delete global fields. If you delete a field that is used by an e-mail template, then the field value, such as %your name% appears in the context of the e-mail when you send it. You should not delete global e-mail fields that are currently used by templates.

Iasta SmartSource creates a set of system fields when your subdomain is created. These system fields cannot be deleted. They are:

»To delete an e-mail global field

    1. From the Send E-mail window, click and select Global Fields to open the E-mail Global Fields window.

E-mail Global Fields Window

    1. Select the global field in the list and click on the toolbar.
    2. Iasta SmartSource asks you to confirm that you want to delete the field. Click OK to confirm the delete and the field is removed from the list.