High-Security Option for Sealed Bids

Blinding sealed bids can ensure bid integrity and overall fairness and a higher level of accountability in the sourcing decision-making process. The new High-Security feature keeps all bids concealed from buyer company users until bid data is formally unsealed by a user with the new "unseal bids" permission. The high-security feature is activated at the subdomain level and will automatically apply to all sealed bid projects in the subdomain.

When bid data is sealed, buyer users cannot see bid data for sealed bid projects in the live event window, lot summary page, lot detail report, bid management, or audit log.

Contact Iasta Customer Support for additional information on enforcing blinded sealed bids by enabling the high-security option for your subdomain.

Audit Log Tracks Every Time a Bid is Unsealed

Not only does the new High Security Sealed Bid function enable you to strictly control when bids are visible the audit log keeps a detailed accounting of every time bids are unsealed so you can provide evidence of bid data security. 

Permissions for Sealed Bids

These permissions control which users can unseal and reseal bids: