Creating Company-Specific Triggers

Triggers can automatically send email notifications or update a field value based the following properties:

You can trigger an email notification to your supplier when you assign them to a profile and you can receive a notification when they submit new profile information. If the company's profile includes a Certification Expiration Date, you could create a trigger that would automatically send an email to that company 2 weeks before their certification is set to expire stating that they may need to update information in their Iasta SmartSource Supplier profile. Similarly you could create an email on the day after the expiration date stating that, according to their profile their certification has expired.

Trigger Tab

The Trigger page in the Company workspace contains a list of triggers on the left and displays detailed information about the selected trigger on the right. The display shows the following information about each trigger:

Add and edit triggers with these toolbar buttons:

: Launches the first page of the Trigger wizard.

: Opens the Trigger wizard for editing the currently selected trigger.

: Deletes the currently selected trigger from the list.

: Toggles on and off to enable/disable selected trigger. Disabled triggers will not run.