Uploading New Revisions of Attached Files

You may need to update information in attached files, either because the sponsor organization has requested changes or because the information you submitted has become outdated or incorrect. When you edit a profile you will see an "Upload New Revision" link next to each file that has been attached to the field.

Click the Upload New Revision link next to the attachment you want to revise to open the New Revision window with the following fields:

Removing Revisions

You can remove a revision by clicking the Remove Revision link next to the link to the attached revision.

Important Information about Profile Fields and Attached Documents

A single field can be used multiple places in different profiles. Any information that is entered into a profile field is entered at the field level so it will automatically be available wherever that field is used. For instance if Company Name and Company Address fields have been previously submitted in another profile, that information will be automatically filled in when you open a second profile containing those fields. If you change the information in the field in one profile it's automatically changed wherever that field is used. Attachments to fields are shared in the same way. If you attach a customer reference to a Third-Party Reference field in one profile the same document will be attached and available everywhere the Third-Party Reference field is used.