Export Company Profile Data

Export profile data to an Excel spreadsheet. You can choose to export data for a selected group of companies or for all companies in your subdomain. With exported data you can create additional charts and reports and share detailed information about potential or awarded supplier companies with individuals outside of Iasta SmartSource.

»To export company profile information 

    1. Select multiple companies in the Company and Users window or, if you want to export ALL companies, skip this step and go on to step two.
    2. Right-click the mouse and select Export All Companies CSV (Excel) or Export Selected Companies.
    3. Iasta SmartSource prompts you to enter a name for the export file. Enter a name and click Save. Iasta SmartSource asks you if you want to launch the file. Choose yes if you want to open the file and review it.

The export file shows a row for each company and a column for every profile field.