Company Name: Enter the name of the user's company. Search results will include users at companies that contain the text. For instance entering "ton" would return both "Boston Logistics Inc." and "Huffington Corp." If you leave the field empty, search won't use the company name as criteria.
Keywords: If you associate keywords with companies in company properties, you can search for all users at companies with key words.
First Name: Enter all or a portion of the user's first name. Search uses a "begins with" search when searching by names so search results will include users with a first name that starts with the text.
Last Name: Enter all or a portion of the user's last name. Search uses a "begins with" search when searching by names so search results will include users with a last name that starts with the text.
Username: Enter the log-in name of the user.
User Type: If you want to search for users by their system-wide role, select the role from the list. System-wide roles are assigned to users in User Properties when you create a user. The field defaults to "(any)".
Click the Search button. Iasta SmartSource returns the companies containing users that match your criteria in the top right panel. Select a company in the list to see the users that match your search criteria in the panel directly below the company list. Click the Clear button to reset user search criteria to defaults.