Contract Authoring

Contract Authoring is a separately purchased feature set for Contract Management. It includes:

Contract Authoring

With the contract authoring feature set, you can generate actual contract documents inside Contract Management. You can also revise contract documents, maintain a revision history, and save them along with all the other information you store about contracts from Contract Management.

Microsoft Word Format Offers Flexible Editing and Powerful Control Over Document Format

Contract Documents are generated in Microsoft Word format so that you can use Word to edit and format contract documents. Using Word format enables people everywhere to easily view, edit, revise, and mark up documents.

Accelerate Authoring and Support Standardized Content

Contract document templates and the clause library will help you create and manage content. Contract documents are generated from custom templates that you build. Every contract type can have its own corresponding document template. The document template consists of a set of clauses. Each clause is a chunk of text that can be formatted, numbered etc.  A clause can be individually created for a single template or you can create global clauses that reside in the clause library and can be used by multiple templates.

If you make a change to a local clause (used by a single template), then any contract document that is generated for that contract type includes your modifications. Any documents that were generated prior to the change are not affected.

If you make a change to a global clause (stored in the clause library), then any contract document that is generated for any contract type with a template that includes the global clause will include your modifications.  Any documents that were generated prior to the change are not affected.

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Contract Authoring Workflow