Submitting Company Profiles

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»To view or edit a company profile:

    1. In the Iasta SmartSource Portal Site, select Company Profiles in the left pane. Iasta SmartSource displays the Company Profiles page with a list of the profiles that the sponsor company has assigned to your company.
    1. Select the name of the profile you want to edit in the list to open the profile page.
    2. The Iasta SmartSource Portal displays the profile form in the right pane. Use the scroll bar to view the entire profile.
    3. If you want to enter information in the profile, click the Edit this Company Profile link at the top of the page.
    4. Iasta SmartSource makes fields in the profile form available for editing. Enter answers to questions. Questions numbered in red with an asterisk are required. Iasta SmartSource will not accept your responses unless all required questions are completed. To attach a document to a question, see Attaching Files to a Profile.
    5. Use the following navigation and command links at the top and bottom of profile pages to navigate through the pages of the survey and save and submit your response..

Important Information about Profile Fields and Attached Documents

A single field can be used multiple places in different profiles. Any information that is entered into a profile field is entered at the field level so it will automatically be available wherever that field is used. For instance if Company Name and Company Address fields have been previously submitted in another profile, that information will be automatically filled in when you open a second profile containing those fields. If you change the information in the field in one profile it's automatically changed wherever that field is used. Attachments to fields are shared in the same way. If you attach a customer reference to a Third-Party Reference field in one profile the same document will be attached and available everywhere the Third-Party Reference field is used.

Related Topics:

Attaching Files to a Profile

Uploading New Revisions of Attached Files

Making Changes to Profile Information