Contract Notes

View, add, and print notes for this contract.

»To view notes

All notes are displayed in reverse chronological order in right pane. Each note is displayed in its own box along with the name of the user who submitted the note and the submission time.

»To add notes to a contract

Note: At this time, notes cannot be modified or deleted.

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Contract Note window.
    2. Type a note in the box.
    3. Click Finish to return to the Notes page with the note you entered displayed.

Printing Notes

You can print all notes in the pane by selecting the Print button on the toolbar. Use the Print Preview button to see what the print will look like.

Navigating Contract Properties

The Contract Properties window includes several pages for editing and managing contract elements. Use the navigation pane on the left to go directly to a specific page or use the Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the window to navigate through each page in order.

Related Topics

Contract Types

Creating New Contracts