Project Statuses

Create Project Statuses that reflect your business's project life cycles for eSourcing projects. For example, a "Creation" status could be created to indicate that a project is in prep mode and is not yet ready to be announced to bidders.

When you configure a status you choose whether it is "published" or "closed." A published status level means that the projects will be available to bidder project participants. A closed status level means the project is inactive and will appear in Historical Projects not Current Projects.

NOTE: The default classifications and statuses ("Published" and "Closed") are provided by Iasta for the convenience of Subdomain Administrators.

When you change a project status to "Not Published / Closed," following occurs.

»To add a project status

    1. From the Administration menu, select Subdomain Options to open the Subdomain Options window with the Subdomain Classifications tab selected.
    2. Select the Project Statuses tab to see a list of all the statuses currently created for your subdomain. The statuses will appear as they are listed on the window; to change the order, use the arrows .

Project Statuses Tab

    1. Click on the toolbar or, to edit an existing status, select the status in the list and click on the toolbar to open the Project Status Properties window.

Project Status Properties Window

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

NOTE: Closing projects moves them to the Historical Projects folder even if the project has incomplete activities. Incomplete activities for a closed project do not appear in the Task List.

    1. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Project Status Example