Survey Roles

Assign survey roles when you add a user to the survey attendee list. The role you assign is for that specific survey. Users can be assigned different survey roles for each survey where they are an attendee.

NOTE: you cannot assign a user as a survey attendee unless they are a project attendee.

A user must be assigned to a system-wide role that includes eligibility permission for each permission enabled by a survey role in order for the survey role to be assigned to that user.

Who Can Assign Roles to Other Users and Who Can Be Assigned to Roles

Each permission has two separate parts: Access and Grant. A user can be assigned access rights to a permission without being assigned grant rights and vice versa. Access rights mean a user can perform the functions described by the permission. Grant rights mean the user can assign a role with that permission to another user and can enable the permission when creating or editing roles.

To assign survey roles, a user must have access rights to one of the following permissions:

Assigning a project or survey role requires eligibility for both the user who is assigning the role and the user who is being assigned to the role:

    1. The user who is assigning the role to another user must have grant rights to each project or survey-level permission enabled by the role they want to assign.
    2. The user who is being assigned the role must have eligibility access rights to each permission enabled by the role.

If either user is ineligible, Iasta SmartSource displays an error when the user attempts to assign the role. If the user does not have grant rights for all permissions in the role, Iasta SmartSource displays a "You do not have permission to grant this role" message. If the user who is being assigned the role does not have eligibility access rights to all permissions enabled in the role, Iasta SmartSource displays the following message: "The user's system permissions prevent the user from being granted this role."

Related Topics

Example of Role Ineligibility


Survey Permissions

Creating a Survey