Creating a Survey

Designing Surveys

The general process for building a survey consists of 3 basic steps:

Using a template can minimize the time it takes you to create a survey. When you start from a template, Iasta SmartSource populates your survey with sections and questions in the template but you are able to add, remove, and edit sections and questions before saving the survey.

»To define survey properties

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Survey Management button on the toolbar to open the Survey Management window.

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Survey Properties window.

Survey Properties Window

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

Document Library Window

NOTE: The first time you create a survey, it is helpful to choose the Standard Template. If you like, you can modify it and save it as a new template for future use. You can also work on templates by accessing them directly through the Document Library.

    1. Click Next to open the Survey Attendees page.

Survey Attendees 

    1. The Survey attendees page lists all project participants. A user must be a project attendee to be assigned access to a survey. Select an attendees name and then click one of the following toolbar buttons to assign the project attendee access to the survey. Survey access is specific to a survey. It is not the same as project access.

NOTE: You can designate a qualified bidder as a respondent but not an evaluator. Spectators can be designated as either respondents or evaluators.

    1. Click Finish to open the survey in the Survey Editor window.

Survey Editor Window

»To customize the survey template

Survey sections and questions appear in the Survey tree in the left pane of the Survey Editor. You can enable or disable sections and questions by selecting their check boxes in the Survey tree. You can also use the Survey tree to copy and paste sections and questions. See the following topics for more detailed information on working with survey questions and sections in the Survey Editor:

»To save and publish the survey

    1. Click on the toolbar and select "Save." You must have at least one question selected to save the survey. The saved survey appears in the project's Surveys branch in the Connections and Projects tree.
    2. When you initially create a survey it is unpublished. It will not be visible to other users until you publish it. Click on the toolbar and select one of the following publishing options:

NOTE: Regardless of whether you have published the survey, non-sponsor users cannot view the survey for a project until the project is published. The status of unpublished surveys appears in bold red type on survey lists. See Project Settings for more information on publishing projects.

Making Changes to Published Surveys

You can make changes to surveys after publishing them. When you save the changes they will be available to users. You can make a survey unavailable (remove it from their view) to respondents, spectators and evaluators by unpublishing it.

Preview Tab

The Preview tab presents a preview of each question as it will appear to respondents. You can see the selected format for the question as well as any other options you have selected.

You can export information from the Preview tab to Word or Excel by clicking the Export button on the toolbar.

Survey Editor Preview Tab

Report Tab

The Report Tab contains a summary of the survey details in an easy-to-read report format. It enables you to view the entire finished survey before you publish it.

Export the information in the Report Tab to Word or Excel by clicking the Export icon on the toolbar.

Survey Editor Report Tab

Evaluator Weighting Tab

See how different evaluator's scores will be weighted in the final survey score.

Related Topics

Exporting and Importing Surveys

Survey Setup Example

Editing a Survey

Deleting a Survey