Using MetaBids for Currency Conversion

You can use MetaBids to allow vendors to bid in their own currency while you view bids and report in your own currency.

For example, let's say that you want to allow an Italian bidder to bid in Euros, but you want to view all bids and reports in your project's default currency setting (US dollars).

If the exchange rate is 1.00 Euro = 1.42 US Dollar, the calculation to determine the MetaBid factor for the Italian bidder would be:

Original Value + (Original Value * (MetaBid / 100)) = Adjusted Value

1.00 + (1.00 * (MetaBid / 100)) = 1.42

1.00 * (MetaBid / 100) = 1.42 - 1.00 = 0.42

MetaBid / 100 = .42

MetaBid = .42 * 100 = 42 

MetaBid = 42%

This conversion requires a MetaBid factor of 42% for all lots.

MetaBid Factor Properties Window

Attendee MetaBids Window

Related Topics

MetaBid Factors

MetaBid Example

Locale Settings

Locale Settings (Lots)