Bidding on an ActiveBid Lot

How a Bidder Bids on an ActiveBid Lot

NOTE: For more information about ActiveBid lots, refer to Adding an ActiveBid Lot.

    1. The bidder places independent bids on all Standard lots in the ActiveBid lot.
    2. The bidder clicks the name of the ActiveBid lot.

    1. In the Place Your ActiveBid % Discount field, the bidder types the percent by which to reduce the bids for the lots in the ActiveBid lot.
    2. The bidder clicks Submit. The updated bid information appears on the Live Event window.

NOTE: If the bid is not within the correct boundaries, an error message will appear explaining why the bid was not accepted.

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Live Event (Bidder)

Bidding on a Standard Lot

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Live Event FAQ (Bidder)

Bidding Reports