Bidding on an ItemBid Lot

ItemBid lots allow bidders to place bids individually for each item in a lot during a project. See the ItemBid Report for more information.

»To bid on an ItemBid lot

    1. The bidder clicks the name of the lot to bid on. Iasta SmartSource highlights the selected lot in yellow and makes the Bids area available. Above the Bids area there is additional information displaying the minimum bid decrement (Min. Bid Decrement). This is the dollar or percentage amount by which the bidder must decrease (or increase) the bid.

ItemBid Bidding Area

    1. The bidder clicks to open the ItemBids window.

ItemBids Window

    1. The bidder enters bids into the individual fields available for each item.

NOTE: For instructions on using New Lot Bid and % off Bid, refer to Using the ItemBid Estimator.

    1. If this is a revised bid, the bidder clicks Update Totals. Iasta SmartSource calculates the extension and the lot bid. To cancel the update and reset to the previously submitted bids, click Reset.

    1. To submit the bid, click Submit Bid. Iasta SmartSource asks you to confirm the bid amount.

    1. The bidder clicks OK to confirm the bid amount or Cancel to return to the Live Event window without submitting the bid. If the bidder submits a bid, Iasta SmartSource displays a message stating that the bid was recorded.

NOTE: If the bid is not within the correct boundaries, an error message appears explaining why the bid was not accepted.

Related Topics

Live Event (Bidder)

Bidding on a Standard Lot

Bidding on a FlexBid Lot

Bidding on an ActiveBid Lot

Bidding with an Excel Spreadsheet

FlexRank (Bidder)

Live Event FAQ

Bidding Reports