Creating & Editing Custom Fields

Profiles are composed of custom fields, so the first step to building a profile is creating a field for every piece of information you want to collect from your suppliers. Use the Fields tab in Profile Administration to create and edit the fields that will be used to collect and store company information.

Field Information is Shared

A single field can be used in multiple profiles. Any information that is entered into a profile field is entered at the field level so it will automatically be available wherever that field is used. For instance if the Corporate Address field has been previously submitted in another profile, the address will be automatically filled in when you open a second profile containing that field. If you change the information in the field in one profile it's automatically changed wherever that field is used. Attachments to fields are shared in the same way. If you attach a customer reference to a Third-Party Reference field in one profile the same document will be attached and available everywhere the Third-Party Reference field is used.

»To create a custom field

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Custom Field Properties window.
    2. Enter information in the following fields:

NOTE: When filling out a profile, required fields are displayed in red with an asterisk.

    1. Click Finish to return to the Fields tab. The new custom field appears in the Custom Fields list.

Create profile forms with these fields in the Profile Design tab.

»To edit or delete custom fields

    1. Select the field you want to edit or delete in the list.
    2. Click to open the Custom Field Properties window for editing the currently selected field or click to delete the selected field.

WARNING: If you delete a custom field and the field is currently used by a profile, the data in the field will still appear for those profiles but you will not be able to edit it.

»To export custom fields

    1. Click on the toolbar.
    2. Select "Export Field Definitions to Word" or "Export Field Definitions to Excel." The selected application launches and displays the list of custom fields and their properties.

»To preview and print custom field definitions

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Print Preview window.
    2. Make any adjustments for your printout, then click on the toolbar.