Reviewing Profile Information

Reviewing company profiles submitted by your suppliers is an important part of managing suppliers. It gives users at the sponsor organization the opportunity to verify or reject profile information submitted by their suppliers. Every field in a profile can be individually verified or rejected. If any field in a profile is rejected, then the entire profile is rejected. The review process includes an email notification option so that you can let suppliers know that you have rejected information they submitted in their profile. Companies who were assigned profiles and submitted them via the Iasta SmartSource Portal have the option to make changes to their profile and resubmit. Self-registration profiles cannot be resubmitted.

IMPORTANT! When you assign a profile to a supplier company, no one at that company can access projects, place bids, view surveys, or submit survey responses until someone at the company fills out the profile and submits it to the sponsor company. Rejecting a profile reassigns that profile to the company. When you reject a profile, no supplier users at the company can access projects until someone at the company has edited the profile and resubmitted it for sponsor review.

»To review a company profile:

    1. On the Profiles tab for the company's Company Properties window, select a submitted profile in the list.
    2. Click the Review Profile button on the toolbar . Iasta SmartSource opens the Review Profile Responses page. Where it shows all the fields in the profile along with the information the supplier company entered.

    1. Next to each field are three buttons for reviewing the information in the field:


Remove Verification


Select one of the review buttons for each field in the profile.

NOTE: You can verify or reject all fields with one click by using the "Mark ALL as Verified" and "Mark ALL as Rejected" links in the Commands area at the top of the profile page.

    1. When you have completed your review, click the "Submit" link located at the top and bottom of the page.
    2. If you have rejected any field, the profile's review status is set to "rejected" and Iasta SmartSource prompts you to send an email to the supplier. You should send an email explaining why it was rejected or requesting changes to specific fields because suppliers do not see the review information so they won't know which fields were rejected. Remember, if you reject a profile, suppliers are locked out of all projects until they modify rejected fields and resubmit the profile. Click Yes to send an email.
    3. Iasta SmartSource opens the Send an Email window with the user who submitted the profile displayed as the recipient. Select the users you want to receive the email. Smart Source provides some default content but you may want to enter information specifically for this profile. Click the Help button on the toolbar to open the Email Management topic with complete information on how to create and send email messages from Iasta SmartSource. Click Send then click OK to close the Email Editor.

When you submit a profile review, the review status of the profile changes to verified or rejected. If any field within a profile is rejected when it is submitted, the review status is set to rejected.

Fields are Shared So Field Rejections are Also Shared

A single field can be used in multiple profiles. Any information that is entered into a profile field is entered at the field level so it will automatically be available wherever that field is used. For instance if the Corporate Address field has been previously submitted in another profile, the address will be automatically filled in when you open a second profile containing that field. If you change the information in the field in one profile it's automatically changed wherever that field is used. Attachments to fields are shared in the same way. If you attach a customer reference to a Third-Party Reference field in one profile the same document will be attached and available everywhere the Third-Party Reference field is used. If you reject a field in one profile, it is automatically rejected in all profiles that include that field. This means that a profile with a "verified" status, can have its status automatically changed to Rejected when a shared field is rejected in another profile.

Related Topics:

Assigning Profiles to Companies