Assigning Profiles to Companies

When you assign a profile to a company the company must enter information and submit the profile to the sponsor company in order to access any projects or surveys.

IMPORTANT! Some profiles are "required" which means no one at that company can access projects, place bids, view surveys, or submit survey responses until someone at the company fills out the profile and submits it to the sponsor company.

There are two places you can assign profiles to companies: You can assign a profile to multiple companies directly from the Companies and Users window or you can assign a profile to a single company from the Profiles page of the company workspace.

»To assign a profile to multiple companies:

    1. Click  on the toolbar or right-click on the connection and select "Companies and Users" to open the Companies and Users window. 
    2. Use the folders and tree in the left pane to navigate through companies. Select one or more companies in the right pane, click the right mouse button, and select Assign Profile.
    3. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of profiles. Select one or more profiles in the list and click Finish to assign the profiles to all selected companies. 
    4. Iasta SmartSource asks if you want to send an email notification. If you select yes, Iasta SmartSource opens the Send an Email window. See E-mail Management for more information about selecting e-mail templates and sending e-mail from Iasta SmartSource

»To assign a profile to an individual company:

    1. Select a company in the Company and Users window and double-click to open the Company workspace. Open the Profiles page and click the Assign Profile button on the toolbar to open the Assign Profile to Company wizard.
    2. The Company Profiles page lists the profiles created in Company Profile Administration that are not currently assigned to the company. Place a check mark in the boxes next to the profiles you want to assign and click Next.
    3. Iasta SmartSource ask you want to send an email to users to let them know that their company has been assigned a Iasta SmartSource profile for them submit.

If you click yes, Iasta SmartSource opens the Send an Email window. See E-mail Management for more information about selecting e-mail templates and sending e-mail from Iasta SmartSource. There are global fields for profile name and profile descriptions so that you can have them automatically inserted in email messages and email templates. Insert profile fields into an email or email template by placing your cursor in the subject or message body area, clicking Templates on the toolbar, selecting Insert Fields, and choosing Profile Name or Profile Description.

If you click No. The profile is assigned and appears on the Profiles list.

Related Topics

Viewing Profile Information

Reviewing Profile Information

Editing Profiles

Supplier Management

Company Profile Administration