Weighting Evaluators

Evaluator weighting enables you to give different evaluators (internal stakeholders) varying degrees of influence in the analysis and scoring of a survey. For example, your IT staff should have a greater influence on sections dealing with hardware and software sections and less (or possibly no influence at all) on financial sections. When you use evaluator weighting, a question's average score is calculated differently.

You can apply evaluator weighting to your survey at any time.

»To apply evaluator weighting

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource lists the surveys associated with the project in the right pane. Click the Edit link under the survey to open the Survey Editor.
    3. Click on the toolbar to open the Evaluator Weighting window showing a row for each section of the survey and a column for evaluator.
    4. Click the cell of the section in an evaluator's column and enter a percentage to represent the weight to apply to the evaluator's response. If an evaluator is given a weight of 0% for a section, that section will not be visible to the evaluator when scoring responses. The percentage for each section must have a total weight of 100%. For Iasta SmartSource to calculate the other evaluator's weights, select the cell and click on the toolbar, then type a percentage to represent the weight to apply to the evaluator's response. The other evaluator's weights for that section adjust to add up to 100%.

Survey Evaluator Weighting Window

    1. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Understanding Weighted Evaluator Scoring