Creating a Document

»To create a document

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree.
    2. Click on the toolbar to open the Document Library window.
    3. From the Categories tree, select a document template. The right pane displays the detailed information about the selected template.
    4. Click Finish to go to the Document Properties window. 

Document Properties Window

Enter information in the following fields to configure the new document:

    1. Click Finish to open the Document Editor window.
    2. Edit the document by selecting sections in the left pane and entering or modifying text in the right pane. For information on how to use the Document Editor window, see Using the Document Editor. You can click  on the toolbar to check for spelling and typographical errors. 

Document Editor Window

    1. When you are finished editing the document, click on the toolbar and select one of the following:
    1. Other project attendees cannot see the document until you publish it. Unpublished documents are only available to project owners and project administrators. When you are ready to make the document available to others, click   on the toolbar and select one of the following options: 
    1. Choose File > Exit to close the Document Editor window.

 Related Topics

Project Documents

Editing a Project Document

Using the Document Editor

Document Standard Template Database Fields