Document Standard Template Database Fields

Database Field


Event ID

A unique number assigned to the project by Iasta SmartSource. It is permanent and cannot be changed. (Also called the Project Number.)

Document Title

The value in the Title box on the Document Properties window.

Event Name

The value in the Project Name box on the General Project Information window.

Event Date

The earliest lot group start date as defined on the Lot Group Properties window.

Event Start Time

The earliest lot group start date and time as defined on the Lot Group Properties window.

Number of Lots

The total number of lots in the project as shown on the Lots and Items window.

Event End Time

The latest lot group end date and time as defined on the Lot Group Properties window.

Buyer's Long Company Name

The value in the Long Company Name box as defined on the General Project Information window.

Buyer's Short Company Name

The value in the Short Company Name box as defined on the General Project Information window.

Event Time Zone

The value in the Default Time Zone box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties  window's Locale tab.

Contract Length (in months)

The value in the Contract Length box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties window's Contract Terms tab.

Event Payment Terms

The value in the Payment Terms box as defined for the each lot on the Advanced Properties window's Contract Terms tab.

Administrator's Name 

The value in the Project Administrator Name box as defined for the project on the Advanced Lot Properties window's Contact Information tab.

Administrator's Contact  

The value in the Project Administrator Contact box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties window's Contact Information tab.

Timeline Information

A list of activities as defined in Project Management or the Timeline Setup window.

Lot Qualification Prices

This field displays, for each lot, the sum of all qualification prices for all items in a the lot. Item qualification prices are displayed in the Qualification Price box on the Item Properties window.

Lot Starting Prices

This field displays, for each lot, the sum of all start prices for all items in a the lot. Individual item start prices are displayed in the Starting Price box on the Item Properties window.

Lot Ceiling Prices

This field displays, for each lot, the sum of all ceiling prices for all items in a the lot. Individual item ceiling prices are displayed in the Ceiling Price box on the Item Properties window.

Event Currencies

The value in the Currency box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties window's Locale tab. However, if there is a different currency defined for lot 1, this will show that currency as defined for the lot on the Advanced Lot Properties window's Locale tab.

Company Name

The value in the Short Company Name box as defined on the General Project Information window.

Decision Period

The value in the Decision Period box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties window's Contract Terms tab.

Shipment Date Decision

The value in the First Shipment box as defined for the project on the Advanced Properties window's Contract Terms tab.

Ceiling Price Description Preliminary Bid Lots

If you entered a ceiling price for any item, Iasta SmartSource displays a paragraph about the definition of ceiling price.

This field also displays a table with the following columns:

Lot: The lot number and name.

Start Price: If you entered a start price for any item, Iasta SmartSource includes a column for the total start price for all items in each lot (found in the Starting Price box on the Item Properties window).

Ceiling Price: If you entered a ceiling price for any item, Iasta SmartSource includes a column for the total ceiling price for all items in each lot (found in the Ceiling Price box on the Item Properties window).

Preliminary Bids: An empty column for bidders to write in preliminary bids.

Ceiling Price Description

If you entered a ceiling price for any item, Iasta SmartSource displays a single paragraph definition of ceiling price.

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Project Documents

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