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Supplier Performance Management supports 360 reviews which means buyer companies can set up scorecards for suppliers to perform self-assessments or to evaluate specific processes and characteristics of the buyer company.

Supplier Performance Management Workflow

Supplier users can log on to the portal, enter evaluation data and submit it without ever having to download or install software.

A few key terms:

Viewing Scorecard Sessions on the Portal Home Page

The Home page of the portal lists open scorecard Sessions directly below the Current Projects list.

Scorecard Sessions Page

The Scorecard Sessions page displays a complete list of scorecard sessions and links for viewing and entering evaluations. 

»To view scorecard session data

Click Scorecard Sessions in the left pane of the Iasta SmartSource portal.

The Scorecard Sessions page divides the scorecard sessions into three lists based on their evaluation period:

Scorecard session lists include the following information: