Submitting Scorecard Evaluations

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»To submit evaluations

    1. Find the session in the Open Sessions list on the Home Page or the Scorecard Sessions page and click the Evaluate Link in the Actions column to open the Evaluator page.

    1. The Evaluator page displays a list of subjects (companies being evaluated) at the top of the pane. Check the subjects you want to evaluate in the list. If you want to evaluate all subjects, click the Check All button at the top of the page.

    1. Use the Scorecard Navigation panel on the left to open a section or go to a specific metric. Enter evaluation data/comments in the yellow, data-entry area below each metric. If a metric is optional, you can select the Opt-out check box and skip the evaluation for that metric and subject.
    2. Click the Save button at the top of the page to save any data you have entered. You can exit the Evaluation page and return later to complete the evaluation. When you save the evaluation, Supplier Performance Management refreshes the evaluation status to show whether the evaluation is complete or incomplete for each subject. The evaluation of each subject is complete when the evaluator has scored (or opted-out) of all scorecard metrics for that subject.
    3. When you have completed the evaluation, click the Submit button at the top of the page. You cannot modify your evaluation after you submit it.

When you are assigned an evaluation for multiple subjects, you must submit evaluations for all subjects at the same time. Scores for subjects with an incomplete status will be ignored.