Lots and Items for Dutch Auctions

Use this page of the wizard to add lots and items describing the products or services that are being negotiated. The top-level item in the expandable tree is the project. The second-level is for lots and the third level contains items. when you select a lot or item in the tree, you can view its properties in the right pane.

NOTE: There are no lot groups for Dutch Auctions.

Dutch Lots

Lots are logical units for bidding. Unlike other project types where there are a variety of lots that allow flexibility for collecting bids, there is only one type of lot for Dutch Auctions. Standard Lots, ItemBid Lots, FlexBid lots and ActiveBid lots are not available. A Dutch Lot contains only one item and includes specifications for bidding intervals and how to end the auction.

See Adding Lots to a Dutch Auction for step-by-step instructions on creating lots.


An item is a specific good, service, or contract placed up for bid. All items are placed inside of a lot.

See Adding an Item for step by step instructions on creating items.

Maximum number of lots and items

You cannot have more than 10,000 lots and items in a Iasta SmartSource project.