Adding an Item

The most important thing to keep in mind when adding items is to group items into lots so that the maximum number of bidders can bid on the lots. Competition is stifled when bidders are excluded from bidding on lots because they cannot supply (or buy) one or two items that are bundled with the rest of the lot. Excessive bundling can shut out manufacturers to the benefit of distributors and may not offer the best prices.

NOTE: You may create one item representing the entire lot to save time. If you are using cost breakdown sheets in a multi-item Standard lot, it is not typically necessary (and can be quite laborious) to create all of your items here. If you are creating an ItemBid lot, it is necessary to create all of the items separately, but you can import items from an excel sheet as well.

»To add an item

    1. From the Create New Project or Project Properties wizard, click Next to navigate through pages to get to the Lots and Items window or expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click on the toolbar.
    2. Select a Standard or ItemBid lot and click the Add Item button  on the toolbar to open the Item Properties page.

Item Properties Window 

    1. Enter information for the item and click Finish to create the item. See the following section for detailed information about individual fields on the page.

Fields in Item Properties

NOTE: The item weight is only used by Iasta's Decision Optimization module.

NOTE: The item volume is only used with Iasta's Smart Optimization product.

NOTE: A start price of 2-5% less than the current cost or original price is commonly used.

NOTE: If you designate a ceiling price for one item, you must also designate a ceiling price for every item in the lot.

NOTE: Iasta SmartSource does not enforce any bidding rules associated with the qualification price (unlike the ceiling or floor price.) This price is simply used to better communicate important benchmark amounts to bidders either through the Live Event or a Project Document.

NOTE: If you designate a qualification price for one item, you must designate a qualification price for every item in the lot.

Use these buttons to navigate:

A Bidder's View

The image below shows the detailed information that bidders see when they click on a lot name (outside of the Live Event).

Related Topics

Lots and Items

Importing Lots and Items