Installing Iasta Iasta SmartSource Desktop

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Be assured, installation of Iasta SmartSource Desktop is easy and painless. The software cleanly installs and can be fully uninstalled through the Control Panel's Add or Remove Programs function. Iasta respects your privacy and does not collect any personal or system information without your knowledge. Also, we do not release personal information to third parties other than project sponsor(s) and/or buyer(s).

Before installing, you will need to receive your user name, password, and subdomain (download link) from the administrator. Also, please note that your network may have a high level of security which will allow an executable file to be downloaded or installed from the internet. If this is the case, an error will occur when running or connecting (steps 3-8) and you may be required to have your network administrator complete the installation.

»To download and install Iasta SmartSource Desktop

    1. Go to http://subdomain.Iasta or the download link provided by an administrator. (Make sure to substitute the name of your subdomain in the internet address.) The Iasta SmartSource Desktop Download page appears.

Iasta SmartSource Desktop Download Page

    1. Click Download Iasta SmartSource Desktop for your version of Windows.
    2. Click Open File or Run from Current Location. The download begins. Depending on your connection speed, it may take from 5 seconds to 10 minutes to fully download. After a successful download, Iasta SmartSource Desktop opens the Setup wizard.
    3. Choose to install the program in your Program Files directory. A Welcome window appears.
    4. Iasta SmartSource displays a Welcome window. Click Next.
    5. Iasta SmartSource displays the End-User License Agreement. Choose to accept the agreement and click Next to go to the Destination Directory window.
    6. Choose a location for the program to be installed and click Next to open Step 1 of the Create New Iasta SmartSource Connection wizard.
    7. This wizard connects your local Iasta SmartSource Desktop with the bidding servers. Click Next to open the Specify the Parameters for Your Account window.

Specify the Parameters for Your Account Window

    1. In the Connection Name field, type the name of the connection as it will appear in your Connections and Projects tree.

NOTE: If your connection attempt is unsuccessful, advanced firewall or login settings could be to blame. Check your computer's troubleshooting documentation for more information.

    1. In the Server Username and Server Password field, type your user name and password and click Next.        

Iasta SmartSource performs a connection test and the user name and password is validated. If the validation is successful, a Success window appears. Click Back at any time to return to a previous window. Click Cancel to end the download.

Completing the Connection Window

    1. Click Finish. The Iasta SmartSource Desktop download and installation is complete. You now have access to live demonstrations, training, and real-time bidding projects.

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