Training Center

»To find the Training Center

Click the Training node in the Connections and Projects tree to access the Training Center. 

What kind of training options are available?

The Iasta SmartSource Training Center is the hub for online training for both sponsor and bidder users. From the Training Center, you can

After you have familiarized yourself with the Iasta SmartSource Desktop interface, we recommend taking part in the interactive demonstrations. 

The interactive demonstration for bidders is a replica of a real project and you can experience the process from the bidder's viewpoint by placing bids against an automated competitor. The interactive demonstration for sponsors shows how the same project looks from the sponsor's viewpoint. A great way to get started learning about the power of reverse auctions is to jump right into the action and perform an interactive demonstration of a real project. 

It's important to see how live events actually work so you'll understand how to set the various options when setting up projects. 

Bidder training videos discuss the different formats of projects, including how to submit a preliminary bid, how to use FlexRank, and how to complete a survey. Informing bidders of these videos can assist in bidder questions and training.

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Interactive Demo (Bidder)

Interactive Demo (Sponsor)

Bidder Training Videos