Connection Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting a Login Error

If a login error message appears, the server was successfully contacted but there is a problem with the user name and/or password you provided. Check that the user name and password are typed exactly as provided by your administrator, including proper capitalization, and try again. 

NOTE: Do not copy and paste the user name and password from an e-mail or other online document into the login spaces provided. You must hand type them exactly as they appear on the login window.

Troubleshooting a Connection Error

If a connection error appears, try the following steps in order to create a successful connection:

    1. Verify that the Iasta SmartSource Server Location is correct. If the project is being hosted by Iasta, the location should default to "" If the project is being hosted by the sponsor company, refer to the instructions provided to you by your sponsor company and make sure you have downloaded the software from the location provided by the sponsor.
    2. Verify that you are currently connected to the internet from your computer. Open your web browser and navigate to a well-known website to ensure that you have connectivity.
    3. If you are still experiencing problems, contact your IT Help Desk for support in connecting through your corporate network or firewall.

Troubleshooting Your Connection to a Live Event

If you have coworkers who also have the Iasta SmartSource software downloaded and are not having any connection issues or problems viewing the Live Event, look at their Advanced Connection Settings and try to match their settings on your computer. If this is not the case, try different combinations of connection settings to find the connection setting that works for you.

To test your connection, watch the Interactive Demo for sponsors, which simulates a Live Event. If you still have connection problems while viewing the demo, try a new setting in the Advanced Connection Settings and repeat the demo.

NOTE: You may need to involve your company's IT department to find out which setting will work with your firewall and computer applications.

Related Topics

Create New Server Connection

Advanced Connection Settings