Advanced Connection Settings

Set up advanced communications settings. The default settings allow the software to work through most firewall configurations but certain environments may require changes.

»To set up advanced connection settings:

    1. For a new connection, click the Advanced Setting button on the second page of the Create New Server Connection wizard. To edit settings for an existing connection, point to a connection in the tree in the left panel, right-click the mouse and select Edit Properties from the shortcut menu, then click the Advanced Connection Settings button. Iasta SmartSource displays the Advanced Connection/Firewall Settings page with fields for setting up your Iasta SmartSource Connection to work with your company's environment.
    2. When you are finished editing fields, you can click the Test button in the lower left corner to see if the current setting can create a successful connection.
    3. Click Finish to save your settings and return to the Specify Parameters for Your Account page.

Fields in Advanced Connection/Firewall Settings

NOTE:  Please check with your IT staff regarding which settings are necessary for your network and firewall configuration. In most cases, you can have a successful connection to the Iasta SmartSource Servers without filling out these options. However, it may be necessary to fill out some of this information if you are using the Advanced or the Legacy transports. In some cases, you only need to fill out the Proxy Server Address and Port. If you have an authenticative firewall, you may need to fill out the user name and password for the proxy server here.

Related Topics

Create New Server Connection

Connection Troubleshooting