User Profiles

User profiles are optional, but can help you gather and store basic information on users that will work with your eSourcing projects in Iasta SmartSource. You can use the User Profile wizard to quickly and easily gather this extra information.

»To enter profile information for a user

    1. In the User Properties window, select a profile in the Profile Type field and click the Edit Profile button. 
    2. If this is the first time you are filling out a Profile, you may need to accept Iasta's Terms and Conditions which will appear in a separate page. After reading through the material, you can select the terms by selecting the check box stating that you understand and agree to Iasta's specific terms and conditions and clicking Next to continue.
    3. Iasta SmartSource presents one or more pages with fields for entering detailed information about the user. Required fields are indicated by a red label with an asterisk. Use the Back and Next button to navigate pages in the wizard and click Finish when you are finished entering information.

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