Adding a User

After creating a company, you can add users for the company. User can be added to projects as attendees.

»To create a user or edit an existing user

    1. Select the company for the user. To add a new user, click on the toolbar or click the company name and select Insert > New User. To edit an existing user find the user in the list of users in the lower right panel of the window and double click. Iasta SmartSource opens the User Properties page.

User Properties Window

    1. Enter information about the user in the following fields:
    1. Click Next to open the User Classification page. If you are creating a user and you did not click the Generate Username and Password button on this page, you will be prompted to do so.

Classify the project by placing check marks in the check boxes next to the classifications that best categorize the user. User classifications are NOT applicable to inactive users. Classifications are created in Subdomain Options.

User Classification Window

    1. Click Finish.