Subdomain Classes and Categories

Organize buyers, suppliers, and projects with custom classifications.

For each subdomain there can be a number of customized classifications, and each of these classifications can be organized in a hierarchical tree. For example, a classification of "geography" can be grouped by "continent" at a high level and then sub-classed in countries, regions, etc.

For each classification, both administrators and bidders can be associated with one or more categories, making this a great bidder categorization tool. Classifications and categories are available for all users.

To view all project classes at once, select the Classifications node. The classes appear in the Connections and Projects tree.

After you define the project classes, Iasta SmartSource users can categorize projects and user and company information according to these classifications.

»To add a class

    1. Select Administration > "Subdomain Options. The Subdomain Options window appears.

Subdomain Classifications Tab

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Subdomain Class window.

Subdomain Class Window

    1. Enter information in the following fields:
    1. Click Finish.

»To add a category

    1. Click on the toolbar to open the Subdomain Category window.

Subdomain Category Window

    1. Enter a name and description for the category.
    2. Click Finish.

»To edit a class or category

    1. Select the class or category you want to edit on the Subdomain Classifications window.
    2. Click on the toolbar to open the Subdomain Class or Category window. Make changes.
    3. Click Finish.
    4. Use the arrows to adjust the hierarchy of classifications and categories.
      NOTE: To delete a class or category entry, select the item you want to delete and click on the toolbar.