Contract Fields

Each contract must have an associated contract type. The contract type consists of a few general properties and a set of fields for collecting data about the contract. Create the custom fields before you create the contract type. A custom field can be included in many contract types.

The Contract Fields tab lists all contract fields in the left pane and shows details about the selected field in the right pane.

»To create a custom field

    1. Show the Contract Fields tab in Contract Administration. The Contract Fields tab lists all contract fields in the left pane and shows details about the selected field in the right pane.

    1. Click the New button on the toolbar to open the Contract Field window.

    1. Click in the cell in the right column to enter data for each property. The properties of the field may be different depending upon the selected field type (short text, check box, dropdown menu, date, etc.)
    2. If you selected a field type of Radio Group, Dropdown Box, or Check List, then Iasta SmartSource displays an area for creating Options at the bottom of the Contract Fields window. You should create the options that the user can select when entering data for the field. For example, create an Annual Revenue field, select a field type of radio group, and create these options: < 1M, 1-5M, 6-10M, and > 10M.
    3. Click Finish to save the field.

Custom Field Properties:

»To edit or delete custom fields

    1. Select the field you want to edit or delete in the list.
    2. Click to open the Custom Field Properties window for editing the currently selected field or click to delete the selected field.

WARNING: If you delete a custom field and the field is currently used by a contract, the data in the field will still appear for those contracts but will not be included in any future contracts created from the contract type.

»To export custom fields

    1. Select the Field you want to export and click the Export button on the toolbar.
    2. Select "Export Page to Word" or "Export Page to Excel." The selected application launches and displays the list of custom fields and their properties.

»To print custom field definitions

Click on the toolbar.

Related Topics

Contract Types

Contract Triggers

Creating New Contracts