Contract Triggers: Trigger List

Contract triggers can automatically send email, change a label, or change the value of a custom field. Contract triggers are scheduled based on the value of a Date/Time field in the contract type. You cannot create a trigger without having an associated date/time field to control when the trigger action is performed.

You can apply a trigger to a contract type, which will be automatically added to every contract of that type, or you can apply it to individual contracts.

For example, if you want all service contract owners to be reminded to renew their service contracts two weeks before the renewal date, add a contract type trigger to the "Services" contract type and set it to send an email to the contract owner two weeks before the date stored in a "renewal date" field in the Services contract type. In this case, Iasta SmartSource generates an email for the contract owner two weeks before the renewal date of every service ("Services" type) contract when it is created.  You can add multiple execution times to resend the e-mail again one week before 2 days before, etc. 

To take this example a step further, if you add a new contract and select "Service" as the contract type, you can modify the trigger time to execute three months before the date stored in the "renewal date" custom field for the new contract. When you change a contract type trigger by editing a contract, your changes apply only to the contract you are editing. You can also add additional contract triggers for each individual contract.

Executing a Trigger

You specify when the trigger will execute by defining trigger times. Once a trigger time executes for a contract it will not execute again for that contract (even if you change the value of the Date Time custom field). To execute the trigger again, you must edit the contract and add a new trigger time. If you edit a Date Time custom field for an individual contract that is being used to schedule a trigger time, Iasta SmartSource automatically prompts you to add a new trigger time.

Enabling and Disabling Contract Triggers and Execution Times

Contract triggers can be enabled or disabled in two different ways. The entire trigger can be disabled, or you can disable individual execution times for each trigger. (You could have a trigger with multiple execution times specified so you can disable an individual execution without disabling the entire trigger. If you have a contract trigger that is enabled, and one of its trigger times is disabled, the disabled trigger time will not execute the trigger. If you disable the contract trigger, no enabled trigger times for that contract trigger will execute.

Where to Create and Edit Contract Triggers

To create or modify triggers for a contract type, open the contract type editor and click the Triggers button on the toolbar.

To create or modify triggers for a contract, open the contract properties workspace and click Triggers in the left pane.

Contract Triggers List

Contract Triggers are listed in the left pane and information about the currently selected trigger is displayed in the right pane. Use these buttons to create and modify the contract triggers in the list:

:  Opens menu for selecting the type of trigger (Send an E-mail, Set the Contract Label, and Change a Field Label) and then opens a page for configuring the trigger.

       : Opens the trigger properties page for the currently selected trigger.

       : Deletes the currently selected trigger.

       : Toggle for Enabling and Disabling a Trigger

Related Topics

Contract Types

Creating Contracts

Send an Email Trigger

Set the Contract Label Trigger

Change a Field Trigger