Defining Contract Types

»To create a contract type

    1. Open the Contract Types tab and click the New button on the toolbar.
    2. Contract Management opens the Contract Type Editor window. The panel in the upper left side of the window contains a tree of sections for the contract type. When you select a section the properties for that section are displayed in the right pane. The Contract Type branch contains system properties for entering identifying information about the contract type. Properties are displayed in two columns with the left column containing a label and the right column containing fields for entering data or selecting from a menu. Enter a name and description by clicking in the cells of the column on the right and entering data.

    1. Click the New Section button to create a new section.  In the right pane, enter a name for the section by clicking in the cell in the column on the right, next to the Name label, and typing the Name.  Add fields to the section by selecting one or more fields in the Available Fields panel.
    2. Select a section in the upper left panel then select one or more fields in the Available Fields panel in the lower left corner and click the Include button. Iasta SmartSource moves the fields you selected to the section branch in the tree.
    3. Select a field in the Section tree to view the field's properties in the right pane.

    1. To add or edit triggers for the contract type, click the Triggers button on the toolbar. See Contract Triggers for more information.
    2. Click Finish to save the contract type when you are finished adding and editing sections and fields for the contract type.Select a field in the Section tree to view the field's properties in the right pane.

Contract Triggers

Contract triggers use information entered in date/time fields to automatically perform functions such as automatically sending emails, changing contract labels, or even changing the value of custom fields. Contract triggers must be associated with a Date Time field so that they can be scheduled. For example, you could automatically send an email to contract attendees 30 days before the contract expiration date.  

»To add or modify triggers for a contract type

From the Contract Type Editor, click the Triggers button on the toolbar to open the Contract Triggers window.

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Adding a Custom Field

Contract Triggers