Clause Library

The Clause Library contains global clauses that can be used by multiple templates. A clause is a chunk of text that can be included in contract document templates and re-used many times. When you edit a clause in the clause library, those changes are pushed out to all contract document templates that use the clause so that the updated clause content is available the next time documents are generated from the template. Existing documents that were generated prior to the update are not changed.

»To open the Clause Library

    1. Click the Contract Administration button on the toolbar of the main Contract Management window.
    2. View the Clause Library tab.

Clauses are listed in the left pane of the Clause Library tab and information about the currently selected clause is displayed in the right pane. Use these buttons to create and modify clauses:

: Opens the Clause Properties window to enter general information for a new clause.

: Opens the Contract Clause Editor window for the currently selected clause so that you can modify the contents of the clause.

: Removes the currently selected clause from the list.

: Select "Export Page to Word" or "Export Page to Excel". Contract Management opens a document or spreadsheet containing a view of the clause list or, if you have an individual clause selected in the list, it exports a view of the clause which includes its content.

Related Topics

Creating Document Templates

Contract Documents