Contract Clause Editor

Enter, format and select options for the clause in the right pane. Add subclauses in the left pane.

To enter content for the clause, enter text in the text box in the right pane. Use standard formatting options on the toolbar above the text box to apply formatting to text. Other options for creating and formatting content are:

: Insert a custom contract field into the body of the clause. Commonly used fields are: effectivity date, contract renewal date, company name, company address, customer support level, etc.

: Insert a reference to another clause within the contract document.

: Open the Rules and Variations window where you can create alternate variations of the clause that can be pulled by the template either based on a field selection or letting the author of the document choose from a list of options.  For example, in a support contract you could have three levels of support, e.g. Silver, Gold, and Platinum that would require different content for the support clause.  See Help for detailed information.

: Convert local subclause into a global clause that can be used by itself or in other global clause. Contract Management publishes it to the Clause Library where it can be added to any template.  For more information on publishing local clauses, see Making Local Clauses Global or Editing Global Clauses Locally.

: Create global text styles that are available for all templates and clauses.

: Insert a table into the body of the clause. Contract Management includes standard options for editing and formatting tables such as Insert Row Before/After, Insert Column Before/After, and Merge/Split cells.

: Check spelling in the text for the current clause.

When you finish creating content go to the Additional Options below the text box where you can: 

Working with SubClauses

A global clause can include multiple hierarchically arranged sub-clauses. Sub-clauses can consist of other global clauses or a "local" subclause which means the content is only available from that global clause, it cannot be added independently or used by another global clause. You can embed other global clauses within a sub-clause so that you can create large, yet flexible combinations of clauses that are available as building blocks for users putting together contract document templates.

»To add a sub-clause

    1. Click the Add Clause button on the toolbar and select Local (to create a new clause) or  From Library (to embed another global clause inside this clause).
    2. Contract Management adds a new branch in the left pane and displays the clause content in the right pane. If you created a new local subclause, it will be empty until you enter text and formatting.

Ordering and Formatting SubClauses

Set up the structure of the subclauses within the clause in the left pane. Numbered subclauses are automatically numbered according to the order and level of items in the tree.  Numbering styles are controlled by the templates so that the same clause can have a different number format in different contexts.

: Adjust the order of sub-clauses by moving the selected sub-clause up or down in the tree.

: Modify the hierarchy by changing the level of the selected sub-clause.

: Insert a forced page break between sub-clauses.

Restart Numbering:  Restart the numbering of a level.  If a clause should  NOT be a continuation of the numbering from the last clause at the same level, insert a re-start numbering placeholder.

: Removes the currently selected subclause and all of its sub-clauses.

Related Topics

Creating Document Templates

Clause Library

Clause Rules and Variations