Clause Rules & Variations

A common issue with managing contract content is dealing with multiple variations of content of a single type of contract. For example, a software maintenance contract could vary depending on the level of support that is being purchased. Contract Management provides clause rules and variations to handle these situations. You create multiple variations of a clause and then establish rules that are based on information entered into custom contract fields to determine which variation is used each time a contract document is generated. In this case, you could create a custom field for "support level", create 3 variations of the support details clause (silver, gold, and platinum), and create a rule that specified which variation is used with each support level option.

The Rules and Variation page displays a tree with rules and variations for the clause in the left pane and the right pane shows details of the currently selected rule or variation in the tree.

Use these buttons to create and edit rules and variations:

: Opens the Clause Rule page for creating a new rule. 

: Opens the Clause Variation page to create alternate content for the clause.

: Opens the Clause Rule or Clause Variations window to edit the item selected in the Rules and Variations tree.

: Removes the currently selected clause from the list.

: Change the order of rules or variations by moving them up or down in the tree.

: Select Export Page to Word or Export Page to Excel and Contract Management opens a document or spreadsheet containing a view of the rules and variations page.

Related Topics

Clause Rules

Clause Variations