Clause Rule Properties

Rules specify the condition under which each variation of a clause is used when generating a contract document.

You can create powerful and complex condition statements using groups of statements. A rule can contain multiple groups. Each group can include multiple criteria statements and each group has its own match all/match any setting which controls whether the rule should be applied if any criteria is met or whether all criteria must be met.

With multiple groups containing multiple criteria and some having match any some having match all settings, you can combine groups to define a very specific set of conditions for using a variation of a clause.

»To create and save rules

    1. Open the Rule window by clicking the New Rule button on the toolbar of the Rules and Variations window. 

    1. The first group is created for you. Select match any or match all in the first line of the group to indicate whether this conditions of the group are met if any (match any) of the criteria are met or if they must all (match all) be met. The first criteria row for the first group is created for you.
    2. In the row for the criteria, select or enter field name, operator, and value to configure the first statement for the new group. Continue adding search criteria and groups as needed. To add another row of criteria to the group, click the Add Criteria button and select or enter field name, operator, and value. Continue adding search criteria and groups as needed.
    3. Below the condition area, select one of these options to indicate which variation should be used when the conditions for the rule are met:
    1. Click OK to save the rule and return to the Rules and Variations window. the new rule appears in the left pane.

Related Topics

Clause Rules and Variations

Clause Variations