System-Wide Permissions
System-Wide permissions are organized by user type: Sponsor or Bidder. Use the row of tabs at the bottom of the list to view or modify permissions and roles for that type of user.
See Hierarchy of Permissions and Roles for more information on the organization of roles. See Creating and Editing Roles for information on adding new roles.
Permissions are listed 1 per row with two columns for Grant and Access. +/- signs in each column indicate that the permission is enabled (green plus symbol) or disabled (red minus symbol). Click the icon to switch enable/disable the permission.
Each permission consists of two parts that are individually enabled:
Important Note about Project Permissions at the System Wide Level
When a user receives project permissions at a system-wide level, they can only perform the project functions when they access the project from the Subdomain branch in the Connections and Projects tree of the Iasta SmartSource Desktop. Unless a user is assigned access to a project via a project role, the project will not appear in the Current Projects branch or the Historical Projects branch. System-wide permissions do not provide any access to features or functions in the Iasta SmartSource Portal.
If a user is assigned a project role that does NOT have "create survey" permission but the user has the "create survey in any project" permission from his or her system-wide role, then the user will only be able to create surveys when accessing the project from the Subdomain branch. The create survey option will not be available when the user opens the project from the Current Projects branch.
Eligibility Permissions
The permissions located in the gray area of the System-Wide tab are eligibility permissions. Eligibility permissions do not directly assign a permission to a user. Eligibility permissions make the user with that system-wide role eligible to be assigned the permission in project, survey, and contract roles or to assign the project, survey, and contract roles to other users.
To be assigned a project, survey, or contract role, a user must be assigned access rights to the eligibility permission for every permission enabled by the role. Similarly, to assign a project, survey, or contract role to another user, a user must have grant rights to the eligibility permission for every permission enabled by the role. If a user's system-wide role includes no access or grant rights to any eligibility permissions, that user will not be eligible to be assigned a project, survey, or contract level role or to assign a project, survey, or contract level role to other users.
Access rights control whether the user can be assigned to a role at a lower level (project, survey, or contract) that includes the permission. If you disable Access to a permission then the user cannot be assigned to a project, survey, or contract level role that contains that permission.
Grant rights control whether the user can assign project, survey, or contract level roles containing that permission to another user and whether they can enable the permission when creating project, survey, and contract level roles. See an Example of Role Ineligibility for information about how eligibility rules affect users and role assignments.
Permissions Lists
Go to the following topics for detailed listings and descriptions of individual permissions
Related Topics
Managing Permissions and Roles