Company Profiles

Use The Profiles tab in the Company Properties window to manage profiles assigned to the selected company.

A company profile is a set of fields created by the buyer company for the purpose of collecting and storing information about other companies (usually suppliers or potential suppliers). Profiles and fields are created in Company Profile Administration.

The Profiles tab lists all profiles that have been assigned to the company. The list includes the following information for each profile:

Use these buttons to manage company profiles for the selected company:

: Opens the Assign Company Profile wizard for assigning a new profile to the company.

: Opens a viewer window for viewing profiles.

: Opens the Review Profile Responses window where you can verify or reject responses to individual fields submitted by the supplier.

: Opens the profile in edit mode. See Editing Profiles.

: Deletes the selected profile assignment, including information submitted for the company. You cannot recover profile information after it has been deleted.

: Open the send Email page so you can sent email users directly here.

You can also access these functions by pointing to a profile in the list and clicking the right mouse button.

Related Topics

Supplier Management

Company Profile Administration

Assigning Profiles to Companies

Reviewing Profile Information