E-mail Management

Send templated e-mails to project attendees throughout the project life cycle. Use the Send an E-mail window to craft an E-mail, select and save a template, set custom fields, select the recipients (and their send types), attach files, preview the message, and then finally send it.

NOTE: Passwords are hidden from everybody in E-mail management, specifically in the Preview mode and the BCC option. Only the actual recipient of the E-mail will see the password (which is just temporary anyway.)
You can set up a history folder of all E-mails you have sent by adding your own name to the BCC list for every E-mail you send. Your can then create a specific Iasta SmartSource folder within your personal E-mail program (such as Outlook or Thunderbird) and store all E-mails associated with Iasta SmartSource here. This will help you easily manage all of your Iasta SmartSource communications.

»To send emails

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree, right-click and select "Send E-mail" or click the Send E-mail button on the toolbar. If you are accessing E-mail Management for the first time, the Email Global Field window appears.

E-mail Global Field

    1. In the Field Value text field, type the text to display when the field name is used in an email template.
    2. Progress through the wizard and complete any additional E-mail global fields by clicking Next or click Finish to exit the wizard.
    3. Iasta SmartSource opens the Send an E-mail window showing all project attendees as possible recipients.

Send E-mail Window

    1. To send the E-mail to a recipient not currently listed, click on the toolbar. A window appears for you to type the recipients E-mail address. Type the address, then click OK.
    2. Place check marks next to the recipients you want to receive the email. To BCC the E-mail to yourself, choose the Automatically BCC this E-mail to me check box.
    3. To request a read receipt notification, choose the Request a read receipt for this E-mail check box.
    4. The default recipient send type is BCC. To change the send type of a recipient, select a recipient and click on the toolbar, then select the appropriate send type for each recipient. The send type displays next to the recipient's E-mail address in the list.
    5. Click on the toolbar and choose "Select Template." The Document Library: E-mail Templates window appears. Select the template that best suits your needs and click Finish. The selected template text appears in the Send an E-mail window in the Message Body and Subject areas.

NOTE: The project end time automatically populates in E-mail standard templates. To change the end time (i.e. changing the time zone), modify it within the message body text, or change it in Iasta SmartSource from the Lot Group Properties window.

    1. Modify the template subject and message body if necessary.
    2. To add an attachment, click on the toolbar and select the type of file you want to attach (optional) or select From File, and navigate to the file you want to attach.

    1. You'll return to the Send E-mail window with the attachment file name in the Attachments field.
    2. Click on the toolbar to preview the E-mail in a separate window exactly as it will appear to the recipients.

NOTE: All written text in the message body of the E-mail is double spaced. To force single spacing within an E-mail, press SHIFT + ENTER on your keyboard to force a new line.

    1. Click Close.
    2. Click on the toolbar.

Related Topics

Creating Templates

Adding an E-mail Global Field

Completing an E-mail Global Field

Editing an E-mail Global Field