With SPM, you'll go beyond managing company profiles to improving supplier performance:
Track and document supplier performance with scorecards and metrics that are custom-built to measure performance against your business requirements.
Analyze performance data with reporting tools that show trends in individual supplier performance and compare performance across multiple suppliers over specific time ranges.
Inject business intelligence into strategic sourcing by making extensive performance data centrally available so it's available whenever and wherever it's needed. Procurement will be able to give more business to high performers and disengage with low performers and high-risk suppliers
Provide structured, evidence-based methods of increasing communication with suppliers and improving overall supplier performance.
Uncover hidden risks so you can work with your suppliers to minimize or eliminate potential issues.
Create scorecards with custom metrics to measure key performance indicators on suppliers. 360 reviews are also supported so Suppliers can submit self-assessments or provide evaluations of the buying organization.
Evaluate subjects from the Iasta SmartSource Desktop or Portal. (Users can open the portal from any computer with a web browser, no installation or setup is involved.
Use calculated metrics that automatically derived a value from other metrics to compile complex performance information.
Get scoring results that reflect the performance elements that are most critical to your business by weighting elements within a scorecard. Give greater importance to the scores based on feedback from specific evaluators.
Collect performance data periodically by using scorecard sessions to schedule evaluations.
Run performance reports for individual supplier performance or across multiple companies.
Set up permissions and roles to control who can view scorecards and who can submit scores.
Store commonly used metrics for reuse in other scorecards.
Set performance targets so you can benchmark companies against an overall standard.