Weighting Sections and Questions

Question and section weighting enables you to give different questions and sections varying degrees of influence in the analysis and scoring of a survey. You can apply weighting to your survey at any time.

The sum total of all section weights in a survey must equal 100%. You can manually change a section's weight to have more or less impact when the final scores are calculated. If you manually set a section's weight, Iasta SmartSource automatically adjusts the weight value of the remaining sections so that the total of all section weights always equals 100%.

»To weight a section

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource lists the surveys associated with the project in the right pane. Click the Edit link under the survey to open the Survey Editor.
    3. Click the section title of the section. In the Scores field in the right pane, select This sections scores have a weight of and select the weight percentage to be applied to the section.

Section Weight Example

»To weight a question

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource lists the surveys associated with the project in the right pane. Click the Edit link under the survey to open the Survey Editor.
    3. Select or add a question. In the Question Weight field in the right pane, select the weight of the question.
      NOTE: The weight of the question is relative to other questions in the section. Question weights within a section do not need to equal 100 or any other number. For more information about how weighted questions are scored, refer to Understanding Question Scoring.

Survey Editor Window: Question Weight Example

Related Topics

Understanding Question Scoring

Understanding Section and Final Scoring