Table Question Example

The following is an example of a table question asking for required pricing information on shipping, labor, and units (to be answered in rounded amounts).

»Create the table question and its properties

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of the project's surveys in the right pane. Click the Edit link under a survey to open it in the Survey Editor.
    3. Select the section in the Survey tree where you want to place the table question and click on the toolbar.
    4. In the Question field, type "What is your pricing?"
    5. In the Max Score and Question Weight boxes type "10" .

NOTE: The weight you indicate here is for the overall table question, not for individual cells.

    1. Choose the check boxes that will allow text comments to be associated with the question, respondents to attach files in response to the question, and evaluators to score the question.

»To create cell-level questions

    1. In the # Rows box, type "3" to create a table with three rows. Use the arrows next to the boxes to increase or decrease the number of rows and columns. You can drag and drop the Table Editor portion of the window to a different area on your desktop. This is helpful if you are creating a large table.
    2. Click "<click to edit>" in the column header and type "Please enter rounded amounts."
    3. Click "<click to edit>" in the first row and type "for shipping?"
    4. Repeat the previous step for the second and third rows, but type "for labor?" in the second row and "for unit?" in the third row.

»Define cell-level question properties

    1. Select a cell. Iasta SmartSource activates the right pane for you to define properties for the selected cell.
    2. Select "Short Answer" from the Question Type box.
    3. Type "20" in the Max Characters box.
    4. Choose Require this question to be answered before submitting to highlight the cell in pink, indicating that the field is required.

»To copy entered cell question properties to other cells

Since the table cell questions in this example will have the same properties, you can copy the properties of this cell to save time.

    1. Select the pink cell, then click on the toolbar to open the Copy Table Cell Properties window. The selected cell to be copied is outlined in red.

    1. Click the destination cells for the copied information. The cells are outlined in blue.
    2. Click Finish to copy the selected cell's properties to the other two cells. The two selected cells are now highlighted in pink to show that they are required.

Here is how the question will appear to respondents:

    1. Click  on the toolbar and select the appropriate "save as" method. 

Related Topics

Creating a Survey

Working with Table Questions

Weighting Cells

Understanding Table Question Scoring