Weighting Cells

Cell weighting enables you to give different cells in a table question varying degrees of influence in the analysis and scoring of the question. In order to apply weighting to a cell, the cell's question type must be numeric or some type of multiple choice.

Although a table question can contain many cells, and, depending on its type, each cell can be AutoScored, in the final calculation all cells in the table are counted as a single question. The entire table receives only one score, as though it were an individual question in the survey, regardless of the number of questions (cells) in the table.

A table question can only be auto-scored if all cells in the table are auto-scored. If any cell is not (or cannot be) auto-scored, the entire table cannot be auto-scored.

You can apply cell and question weighting at any time.

»To weight cells in a table question

    1. Select and expand the project in the Connections and Projects tree and click the Surveys branch.
    2. Iasta SmartSource displays a list of the project's surveys in the right pane. Click the Edit link under a survey to open it in the Survey Editor.
    3. Select or add a table question.
    4. Place your cursor in one of the table's cells. Define the cell as if you were defining any other question. In the Questions Weight field in the right pane, select the relative weight of the cell to other cells in the table.

NOTE: Cell weights within a table do not need to equal 100 or any other number. For more information about how weighted cells are scored, refer to Table Question Scoring.

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Surveys (RFx)

Table Questions

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