Activity Calendar Gadget

Prepare for upcoming events with a calendar that shows activities, auctions, and surveys for multiple projects in a single view.

Select a date on the calendar and the gadget lists all events and activities starting with the date you selected. If an activity is assigned to multiple people, the list shows how many have completed it. For example, a survey activity with 3/11 means the survey is assigned to 11 people and 3 have submitted it. Use the tabs at the top of the gadget to choose whether you see activities for projects where you are the owner, all projects where you are a participant, or all projects you can access.

The Activity Calendar is especially valuable for users with custom activities created in project management because it collects all custom and system-created activities from multiple projects and places them in a single, integrated view. You no longer have to look at each project's activities separately.

Each type of activity has its own icon so you can see at a glance what types of activities are scheduled:


  Preliminary Bid
  Live Event (Auction/Sealed Bid)

  Custom Activity from Project Management

Enhanced Activity Calendar View When Maximized

You can expand the Calendar gadget to fill the screen by clicking the Maximize button in the upper right corner of the gadget. When maximized, the calendar enlarges to show icons on the dates where there are scheduled activities so you can quickly determine how many live events, surveys, or other activities you have in the selected month.

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