Self-Registration:  Getting Suppliers On-Board Quickly

The Self-registration feature provides a link for supplier companies to register themselves and then automatically email them a link to your designated self-registration profile. Suppliers can complete the form and submit it without being explicitly invited by you or having access to the Iasta SmartSource Portal. Your organization can have only one self-registration profile. You cannot create links to multiple profiles that area available outside of the portal. To set up a self-registration profile, you need to:

Setting Up Self-Registration for Suppliers

»To set up self-registration

  1. In the Company Profile Administration window (select Profile Administration from the Administration menu in the Companies and Users window), open the Self-Registration Tab.
  2. Select Enabled in the Self-Registration is field.
  3. Note the URL in the Public Self-Registration URL area so that you can place a link to that URL in a location where potential suppliers can find it.
  4. Open the Profile Design tab. Select the Profile you want to use for self-registration in the profile list and click the Self Registration button on the toolbar. Iasta SmartSource displays a self-registration paper clip icon next to the selected profile.

See Creating and Editing Custom Fields and Designing Profile Forms for more information on creating profiles.