There are two kinds of project timelines in SmartSource: basic project timelines and Project Management Timelines
Basic Project Timelines
Basic project timelines consist of a simple list of entries with specified due dates. This timeline is visible to all project attendees (both sponsor and bidder users). It can be used to present planned project milestones but it doesn't provide any dynamic information regarding the status of the activity (complete, incomplete, overdue, etc) and there is no linking between actions actually performed in SmartSource. this list appears on the Project Details page and includes a date and a short description for each item in the timeline. As a bidder, this type of timeline is available for informational purposes only.
Project Management Timelines
Dynamic Project-Management-enabled timelines that are composed of activities can:
Project Management activities are assigned to specific project attendees by the project owner. With Project Management timelines the list of activities is filtered to show you only those activities in which you are a designated participant. The Project Management timeline is also available on the Project Details page but, the timeline is filtered to show only activities in which you are a designated participant. Other user's activities do not appear.
»To view or work on activities in project timelines
Scroll down to the Project Timeline area. If your project has no entries for a basic project timeline or if you are not a participant in any activities on a Project Management timeline, than you will not see any project Timeline Information.
If you have Project Management activities in the list, depending upon the configuration of the activity there are a couple of actions you may be able to take: